Sunday, July 21, 2019

Grand forks hotel night

Well staying at a hotel tonight I was gona wait till tomorrow, especially after the pinch flats, I dont know why I dont really like to stop riding, so flats really suck and I'm not the race mode flat repair guy I used to be, I rush tube repairs I forget to check for multiple leaks, I dont sand enough, I dont let the glue dry, I got 4 pinch flats right before grand forks, the local bike shop hopefully open tomorrow is a bike shop and many take Mondays off, we shall see.

It's been a rewarding experience with all the sights and scenes and the little things along the way, I am no longer traveling the TCT it's taking me. I've never been through so many tunnels, seen so many I couldn't pass through, rock slides take them or the route out, the coquhalla is an area were you leave the rail bed due to collapse or avalanche, its cut into cliff walls throught them (Othello tunnels are a engineering miracle from Avatar movies).  Some of the tunnels up high look so majestic, oh and the being up high "I do not like." I walk on the inside so can only give a opinion for a upward line of sight, batted down with clouds and drizzle.

The Trestles they are amazing, amazing and many and everywhere along the way, a placard read 1946, post war re investing in infant structures and employment, at the coquhalla summit a bridge used to replace a 1946 version that didnt survive and as new as the one was I'd say maybe one or two others never survived but the very original approach to one of the orginal bridges is still there, I noticed it by accident as the section prior to the rivers edge area was covered from landslide,  I noticed the rock work then I realized it was done by pre modern (cat and excavator) road work, but placed rock work. My phone was dead it was raining no pictures.

It's so cool all the stuff, vendors, tourists peoples and creatures chipmunks that climb up my leg, deer that cross the river at first light, a bear that moves along when told move along nothing to see here just move along nothing to smell here, it works. He was about 500m outside of a very public tourist spot, not sure if he knows peopley.

The deer crossing the river when I woke up outside princeton (mind blotch might change princeton after I look at a map. But the deer 3 buck, looked in velvet in the sun rays crossing the river at first light everything covered in dew and wet from the night before.

Doing all this in the rain, think about how easy it would be to become Hypothermic, and dont let that happen, have a back up plan and be mindful of your surroundings, that's a whole nutha area. Its been a magnificent trip so far, lotsa fun, lots memories, family stuff memories, spiritually extreme I guess. Bedtime g night hotel with large veg pizza 3/4 gone beside me and a long climb 20km away this is it.

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