Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Finlayson Arm 100 or 53.8 which ever comes first

I am having trouble even writing about this one, super awesome race, everything about is was amazing, except me, my lungs oh yea I'm gonna run 100km with the nastiest cough, I ever so tried denying, by 5km I knew I was having troubles that weren't gonna go away, maybe they wouldn't get any worse, which they didn't but it brought a whole new world of trouble, most of which I tried to ignore, night running helped, knowing the next aid station was in reach maybe and well death had a good lead on me by the half way point and I knew I was done. So tail between my legs I sulked off home. And to the Dr's Monday for Anti biotics. I just ain't that tough!

I don't have alot of pictures from this race and seem to have lost the one of the guy who dressed as the Grim Reaper, at the 5k he was behind me yelling my name was starting to appear on his list I was coughing so much.
Silly me!

I used to feel like I was running to death, just so I could run from death.
Today I ran with death!